Research Team


Nor Aizam Muhamed Yusof
Thesis: Pavement Distress Analysis using Deep Learning
Affiliation: Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah

Ali Olow Jimale
Thesis: Enhanced Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Handling Subject Variability In Human Activity Recognition
Affiliation: Faculty of Computing, Simad University

Ayokunle Olalekan Ige
Thesis: Deep Local-Temporal Architecture Towards Lightweight Deep Learning Activity Recognition
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science, Thomson Rivers University

Abdulrahman M A Baraka
Thesis: Segmentation Approach for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition
Affiliation: Al-Quds Open University

Noratikah Nordin

Thesis: A Fusion-based Framework for Explainable Suicide Attempt Prediction
Affiliation: School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia


Chan Mang Hong
Thesis: Data Generation using Generative Adversarial Network for Human Activity Recognition
Affiliation: Intel Corporation, Malaysia

Jodene Ooi Yen Ling
Thesis: Predicting Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease with Autoencoder-based Representation Learning
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Loh Jing Zhi
Thesis: MobileNet-SVM: A Hybrid, Light-weight Deep Learning Architecture for Human Activity Recognition
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Yap Kah Liong
Thesis: Signal Segmentation using You Only Look Once Network for Human Activity Recognition
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Lim Chin Tiong
Thesis: Comparative Study of Deep Learning-based Object Detection Algorithms on Real-time Embedded System
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Tan Sen Yan
Thesis: Deep Temporal Conv-LSTM for Human Activity Recognition
Affiliation: Continental, Singapore

Xu Ziyue
Thesis: Data Augmentation using Improved Generative Adversarial Network for Lung Image Classification
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Jwaber Safa Alaa Hussein
Thesis: Improved Rotation Pretext with Sorting Operation for Self-Supervised Visual Feature Learning
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Ammar Nayeef Makki Al-Khafaji
Thesis: Adaptation of Attention Separable Convolution Residual in the U-Net Architecture for Lung Nodule Segmentation
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Al-Battat Asaad Qasim Mahdi
Thesis: Improved ResNet-50 Model with Multiscale Feature Representation for Cancer Classification in Histopathological Image
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Luo Jiechen
Thesis: Covid-19 Virus Detection in Human Lung CT Images using Semantic Segmentation Techniques
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Abdirahman Mohamud Abdullahi
Thesis: Atrous-Spatial-Channel Attention for Abnormal Tissue Image Segmentation
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM

Habeb Abdullah Saleh Saleh Al-wajeeh
Thesis: Channel-Temporal Hybird Attention for Deep Learning-based Human Activity Recognition
Affiliation: School of Computer Sciences, USM


Haruna Abdu
Research Area: Deep Learning, Waste Detection and Classification

Raid S. A. Basheer
Research Area: Graph Neural Network, Brain Connectivity

Fathi Said Emhemed Shaninah
Research Area: Deep Tabular Learning, Learning Analytics

Hadeel Sameer Mohd Al Tahainah
Research Area: Generative Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Al Tabrawee Hussein Allawi Hasan
Research Area: Self-Supervised Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Sani Tijjani
Research Area: Feature Selection, Metaheuristic Optimization

Tamara Amjad Abdelkarim Alqablan
Research Area: Feature Selection, Metaheuristic Optimization

Al Kadhmawee Ahmed Adil Abdulwahid
Research Area: Deep Learning, Time-series Analysis

Itriq Mariam Abed Alfattah Ali
Research Area: Deep Learning, Hate Speech Detection

Loh Swee Kuan
Research Area: Transfer Learning, Time-series Analysis

Zhao Haojun
Research Area: Explainable Deep Learning, Medical Image Analysis

Maqsood Iqra
Research Area: Medical Image Analysis, Deep Learning

Huang Keyang
Research Area: Deep Learning, Model Compression

Hachami Hadeel Jameel Nassr

Research Area: Deep Tabular Learning

Zhang Junrui
Research Area: Model Compression, Deep Learning

Ahmad Elham Fahmi Mousa

Research Area: Deep Learning, Human Activity Recognition

Mohammed Mohammed Jasim Mohammed

Research Area:


Liau Wei Jie Brigitte
Research Area: Text Spotting, Deep Learning

Hazqeel Afyq Athaillah Kamarul Aryffin
Research Area: Deep Learning, Emergency Triage Classification