Context-aware activity recognition systems are dealing with heterogeneous sensors and these sensors are providing data at different sampling rate and output forms. Wearable sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes provide fast and real-time raw data which has to be interpreted before being useful to the application. Whereas ambient sensors such as temperature, humidity or object-interaction […]
Tag: ontology
Enhancing ontological reasoning with uncertainty handling for activity recognition
Handling uncertainty is a challenge in activity recognition. Uncertainty can be due to sensor errors (e.g. run out of batteries, imprecise outputs, missing activations etc.) and communication failures. and variability in human activities. These issues may significantly influence the accuracy of activity recognition. Data-driven approaches use machine learning techniques such as Decision Tree, naïve Bayes […]
Uncertainty in Ontology Approach
Ontology is the most widely used tool to integrate semantic into activity recognition. However, besides lack of temporal reasoning, ontology cannot deal with uncertainty [1]. Diaz et al. proposed a fuzzy ontology to solve this limitation. But, fuzzy approach allows more precise knowledge representation rather than deciding among multiple hypotheses and having a more coherent […]
Context-aware activity recognition through a combination of ontological and statistical reasoning
Riboni and Bettini have proposed a techinique for human activity recognition using ontologies and ontological reasoning combined with statistical inferencing [1]. The technique does not relies on large amount of training data which is difficult to obtain in applications such as rehabilitation systems, chronic disease management or monitoring of the elderly. [1] Riboni, Daniele, and […]
Context Modeling
One of the method of context modeling is by using ontologies. Ontologies facilitate structuring data and representing knowledge. It define a given domain in a graph structure which contains concepts present in the modelled domain, the relationship between concepts and potentially classification axioms which specify generic knowledge about the domain. The ontologies is exploited by […]